(Presentation Slides) BMCC XI – DV-VAW as a Human Rights Violation – Quenby Wilcox
VAW/DV as a Human Rights Violation by Quenby Wilcox — Gonzales Lenahan vs. USA, 2011 (Inter- American Commission on Human Rights) and Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain, 2014 (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, CEDAW) are to two major landmark decisions recognizing domestic violence as human rights violations under a State’s obligation to protect and the principle of due diligence. My presentation will include an explanation of the significance of these two cases in combating the problems within family courts, and in lobbying government for action and solutions.
BMCC XI – An annual conference dedicated to helping battered women seeking protection for themselves and their children in the family / divorce court system. This year’s theme is Hands Across the Water, with speakers from around the world — Renee Beeker, Melanie Blow, Robert Brannon, Dara Carlin, Rhonda Case, Joseph Coe, Holly Collins, Jennifer Collins, Riane Eisler (JD & PhD), Nancy Erickson (JD), Phyllis B. Frank, Rose Garrity, Ruth Glenn (Exec. Director, NCADV), Barry Goldstein, David Greene, Paul Holdorf, Karin Huffer (PhD), Donna Ivery, Sabra Jack, Jacob Jacquez, Nelly Jouan, Toby Kleinman (JD), Kathy Lee, Patrice Lenowitz, Michael Lesher (JD), Doreen Ludwig, Lenelah Maddox, Leah Marie, Wayne Morris, Wendy Murphy, Maralee McLean, Amy Neustein (JD), Rich Pompelio (JD), Sandra Ramos, Tammy Risaliti, Alan Rosenfeld (JD), Mosher Rozdial, Kelly Rutherford, Wafaa Saad, Karli Singer, Raquel Singh, Evan Stark, Anita Tarnai, Jen Trachtenberg (MD), Rebecca Tripp, Sam Vaknin, Connie Valentine, Garland Waller, Quenby Wilcox, Andrew Willis, Greg White, and Gloria Woods — with a special thanks to Mo Hannah and Liliane Miller for organizing the conference.