The rhetoric of Under Secretary Kennedy of the US Department of State belies the reality of the failure of Consulates to utilize the Convention of Consular Relations to protect the rights and interests of Americans living abroad
See more videos of Maria Jose… Remembering that her case is not ‘isolated’, but representative of what happens to the wives of abusers who take advantage of negligence and corruption in the courts to continue harassing their victims
February 3, 2014
RE: Human Rights Case Wilcox vs. Spain – Violations of Rights & Judicial Corruption
Dear Ambassador Costos,
I am once again contacting you regarding the American Embassy in Madrid’s non-compliance with the Vienna Convention of Consular Relations and pertinent Spanish, American & international laws. All previous correspondence with the American Embassy & Consulate in Madrid in the past 7 years is posted on &
For your convenience please find enclosed a Gonzalez vs. Wilcox – Spanish, US & Intl. Jurisdictions, as well as my recent Letter to Womens Rights Groups in Spain regarding the refusal of the Colegio de Abogados de Madrid to diligently examine my complaint against implicated lawyers, going so far as to officially & ridiculously contend that it is the “right of lawyers in Spain to violate the right of clients under the principle of judicial independence.”
As in my last letter to the American Embassy, dated October 24, 2013, to which I have no response to date, I am hereby, under art. 5 & 38 of the Convention of Consular Relations and §71.1 and §10.735–215 of CFR 22, inter alia petitioning the American Embassy and Consulate in Madrid to rescind its policy of non-compliance with the aforementioned and at this time contact the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid on my behalf, requesting that they diligently fulfill their obligations as provided for under 2.1 and 2.2 of Decreto 245/2000 (and article 451 of the Spanish penal code,) notifying the Ministerio Fiscal regarding my allegations of criminal infractions by the following legal counsel:
- Gonzalo Martínez de Haro of Vinader, Carlos y Associados (procuradora Juan Bosco Hornedo Muguiro)
- Maria Fernanda Guerrero Guerrero
- Belén García Martin (procuradora María Pilar Lantero)
- Jose Manuel Hernández Jiménez (abogado de oficio)
- Jorge Capell de Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira (procuradora Pilar Poveda Guerra)
- Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira
- Alberto Fontes García Calamarte (procuradora Rafael Gamarra Megias)
- Miguel Martínez López de Asiain y Ignacio González Martínez (procuradora Rafael Gamarra Megias)
The failure of government officials to duly investigate my allegations and hold responsible parties accountable for their actions, contrary to deterring me from pursuing all legal channels at my disposal, including international courts, is re-enforcing my resolve to do so, as well as strengthening my case against them.
In the interest of ecology and preservation of our forests, I am not resending a copy of my original complaint, the response of the Colegio de Abogados de Madrid (Preliminar 859/13), nor my appeal, which are posted in downloadable form on and In all of my dealing with US Department of State officials in Madrid & Washington in the past years, their actions, and omissions of actions, have reflected unfamiliarity with FAM 7 & CFR 22 guidelines as well as American, Spanish, and international law (VCCR included).
The inability of implicated parties to read applicable laws and use cognitive reasoning in their application is explained by Robert Kohls in Survival for Overseas Living; “Stereotypes … are one way people everywhere deal with things which are too complex to handle or about which they have inadequate information. Nancy Adler has said that due to the multiplicity of impulses that our brain is receiving as our sensory receptors are being flooded with stimuli, we have no choice but to ignore most of them in order to pay attention only to those few that we have learned to consider as most vital… another truism about stereotypes is that once formed in people’s minds, they outlive the partial truth that created them in the first place …” As someone who has had to deal with and combat discrimination & perhaps hate crimes, and reportedly someone who is committed “to community, philanthropy, human rights, and democracy…and a true citizen of the world” (Chad Griffin, President of Human Rights Campaign).
I hope at this time you will instruct Embassy officials in Madrid to examine ALL of my past correspondences, and the facts of my case using cognitive logic & reasoning and due diligence. The application of discriminatory beliefs & biases, with State Department officials using well-rehearsed propaganda rather than current legal norms & jurisprudence, is exactly what judges, lawyers, & court psico-socal teams are doing in their own actuation. It is also the reason that victims of domestic violence are re-victimized by family courts around the world.
As stated by Michelle Bachelet, former Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women “The shortcomings [in failing to protect victims of domestic violence] are not in the vision, voices and the voluminous efforts undertaken by determined women around the world. No, the shortcomings lie elsewhere—in the lack of political prioritization… Now is the time for governments to translate international promises into concrete national action….”
Please find enclosed Family Courts in Crisis newsletters (listed below and posted in downloadable format on, which clearly documents the failure of the Spanish government to “translate international promises into concrete action” showing a systematic, extensive, endemic, & acquiescence of the Spanish government in their re-victimization of victims of domestic violence, rather than the existence of a convoluted, imaginary, ‘conspiratorial’ situation as indicated by Consular officials in my interviews with them.
- Family Courts in Crisis – Judicial Corruption, Human Rights Violations & Organized Crime – Connecting the Dots, Feb. 2014
- Family Courts in Crisis – Amnesty International – What Specialized Justice?, Jan. 2014
- Family Courts in Crisis – United Nations, Secretary General – Violence Against Women as a Human Rights Violation, Dec. 2013
- Family Courts in Crisis – Spanish Justice System Faced with Child Sex Abuse within the Family – Save the Children Spain, Nov. 2013
The fact that the Defensor del Pueblo, Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, and Instituto de la Mujer, have continually:
- Refused to comply with recommendations made by the United Nations, Amnesty International, Save the Children, inter alia
- Refused to apply Spanish Constitution, civil & penal code, and laws & international law in the examination of the negligence & malpractice of judicial actors
- Covered-up malpractice & negligence of judicial actors by their omission of actions
aggravates the criminal & civil (and financial) liability of the Spanish government under international law. Table 1, included in enclosed letter, enumerates the various violations & penal infraction of judicial actors. Also, further please note that the decision of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, in Gonzales vs. USA, 2011 (recognizing that the omission of actions by a government to exercise due diligence in the protection of victims of domestic violence is a human rights violations) elevates the infractions of Spanish officials & government to crimes against humanity[1], further strengthening my case against the Spanish government under international law.
I hope the American Embassy in Madrid at this time will take the lead in reversing discriminatory policies & actions of the US Department of State, which by omission of action makes them accessory to human rights violations against American citizens living abroad, by assuring that Spanish regulatory agencies thoroughly examine my allegations and take appropriate action against responsible parties. THIS REQUEST FALLS UNDER PUBLIC LAW, NOT PRIVATE LAW AS STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS HAVE REPEATEDLY & BLINDLY CONTENDED.
Assuring that victims of domestic violence are protected, rather than re-victimized by judicial systems is not as complicated as many contend. However, it does require a minimum of diligence and dedication to the task by public authorities, rather than the typical unfettered response of “we do not wish to become involved, and it is his right….” As long as this is the policy of the State Department and other public authorities, all of the rhetoric in the world, supported by large-budget propaganda campaigns, will not change the reality for victims, nor the illegality of acts, and omissions of acts of implicated judicial actors & public authorities. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. If you should have any questions, I may be contacted at my email,
Quenby Wilcox
Founder – Global Expats
Founder – Safe Child International
cc: Under Secretary of Management, Patrick F Kennedy, US Department of State
Jim Pettit, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Overseas Citizens Services
Joyce Namde, European Div. Director, Ofc. of Amer. Citizen Services & Crisis Mgt., US Dept. of State
Congressman Steny Hoyer
Congressional representatives, members of the American’s Abroad Caucus
[1] the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines “crime against humanity” as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: (a) Murder; (c) Enslavement; (e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; (f) Torture; (g) Rape, sexual slavery, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; (h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; (k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.